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URP Alumni 2021

screen capture of 2021 URP participants during a Zoom call
The LaboratoryUndergraduate Research Program (URP) participants, Summer 2021
Student Undergraduate institution LaboratoryURP lab Research project title
Vandana Agarwala Pennsylvania State University Koo Laboratory Representation Learning of Genomic Sequence Motifs via Generative Adversarial Network Model
Jessica Dixon Florida State University Cheadle Laboratory Defining the Interactions Between Microglia and Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells in Synapse Elimination
Matias Enriquez Williams College dos Santos Laboratory Exploring Parity Induced Effects of EZH2 Inhibited Cells Grown with EPP Through Cut & Run Histone Modification Analysis
Rajee Ganesan University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Meyer Laboratory Integrative Analysis of single cell expression and chromatin states in Medullary Thymic Epithelial Cells
Emily Guernsey The University of Chicago Zhuang Laboratory, Univ. of Chicago Facilitating Inhibitory Learning in the Ventral Striatum
Catherine Kim Haverford College Ware Laboratory Plant Comparative Genomics
Caleb Mallery Hartwick College Preall Laboratory Deep profiling of single cell transcriptomes for detection of RNA degradation and miRNA biogenesis
Lucas Melo Columbia University Krasnitz Laboratory Patterns of Copy Number Variation in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Elliot Meyers Cornell University Lippman Laboratory Analyzing Shared Intergenic Sequences to Find Putative Regulatory Elements
Shoshana Novik Harvey Mudd College Engel Laboratory Comparing biological data to models of slow wave cortical neural spiking dynamics
Noah Sobel Johns Hopkins University Gillis Laboratory Single Cell Co-methylation Network Construction and Analysis
Jess Stone University of Sheffield Pedmale Laboratory An exploratory analysis of reduced root growth in response to shade in Solanum lycopersicum