
Rebecca Leshan, Ph.D.

Rebecca LeshanRebecca Leshan is Executive Director of The Banbury Center, the think tank-style conference center at Laboratoryrecognized internationally for its closed discussion workshops in areas ranging from frontier and translational science to education and policy issues. As Banbury鈥檚 executive director, she leads all aspects of The Center鈥檚 programs, from selecting the topics for meetings and working with expert leads, to overseeing implementation and impact.

Prior to joining Banbury in 2016, Rebecca was a regional director (Eastern USA) for the UK Government鈥檚 Science & Innovation Network. In this role, she worked to strengthen UK-US collaboration in science and engineering, as well as advising policymakers on science and technology issues. This work largely centered on cyber security and biosciences.

Rebecca received her Ph.D. in Molecular & Integrative Physiology from the University of Michigan, and conducted postdoctoral research at Rockefeller University, focusing on neural mechanisms controlling body weight and arousal.